Website architecture and importance of user experience, believe stationmaster friends are self-evident, because it can directly reflect your site popularity, for professional SEO website optimization practitioners, through SEO technology users will be attracted to your website, it is a good beginning, be able to retain users even allows users to your site produces order, here we need to account for your site's user experience. To sum up, the website architecture and user experience in site operation to the weight is very heavy, so how to build good website structure and creating meet needs of the user experience of websites? This is our every site operation personnel need to be vigilant about the topic, we first look at the website architecture.
What is the website architecture
Broadly website architecture is based on the user requirement analysis, network marketing and locating the site of the target user, thereby to website whole structure, planning, design of website column and its contents, making the site development process and order, in order to maximize efficient resource allocation and management of the Beijing web site design.
How to build good website structure
If the tree metaphor for our school subject words, then the subject is the first layer, subjects can include Chinese, math, English and so on, these are the second layer. To search engine, the directory hierarchy ordered classification is very important, for the user as well as clear, good website structure is always the user feels like. The most classical sites of tree structure can refer to: Baidu know.
Let's talk about importance of user experience
What is user experience
Simply put, the user experience is most directly influence the factors of your webpage browsing. In site planning and web site operators, the user experience is one of the most important factors, the user experience will have a direct impact on the success of your website.
Effect of site user experience factor which to have
1、網站的品牌(Website brand)
In today's rapid development of the Internet era, all walks of life have emerged a large number of excellent internet websites, and these sites also have their own user, for some new users, if they want to purchase products online and so on, they will usually through a variety of channels or ways to know consulting product case, and when they identified themselves to products, the first thought is the product of the brand, with our daily in the store to buy clothes.
The site is also the same, a good brand website can help your product sales, because, no one would go to love a brand thing, no brand means that it does not have any quality assurance. How to establish suitable website brand, is worth broad stationmaster thought.
2、網站的加載速度(Website loading speed)
When the user enters into your site, if your web page loading time is too long, then the user is likely to be Pass out of your website. Give the user the first impression is very important.
3、Flash以及圖片(Flash and pictures)
現在很多的網站充斥著大量的Flash和圖片,網站推廣 以為這樣可以使網站變的多漂亮多大氣,無可否認,適當的用一些圖片及Flash可以增加網站的生動性,增加視覺沖擊力。但是我們不能無限制的使用,用戶也不會因為你網站做的華麗、漂亮而買你的產品,這樣做只會增加你網站成本的負擔。
Now many website has a large number of Flash and picture, website promotion thought this could make the website become more beautiful than the atmosphere, there is no denying the fact, use the appropriate number of pictures and Flash can increase the site's vivid, to increase the visual impact. But we cannot be unrestricted use, users will not be because of your web site do gorgeous, beautiful and buy your product, this will only increase your site cost burden.
4、導航是否合理(Navigation is reasonable)
Target user access to your website, largely first concern is the website navigation, a good navigation allows users to clearly know your website product categories, on the other hand, when the user enters deeper webpage, good navigation can help users to understand their present position. Therefore, the navigation is reasonable but also affect the user experience of the important factors.
5、死鏈接和錯誤鏈接(Dead links and wrong link)
Regardless of the user or the site itself, the most elementary mistake, that need not say much.
6、網站的內容(The content of the website)
我們都知道網站的靈魂就是內容,如果你的網站內容蒼白或者不能夠很好的吸引用戶,網站推廣 那么這個網站注定要走向失敗,用戶會從你網站內容的可靠性、權威性以及真實性等方面來考量你網站是否值得信任,最終決定是否進行下一次訪問。
We all know the soul of the website 's content, if your website content pale or not can be very good to attract users, website promotion then this site doomed to failure, the user will be from your website content reliability, authority and authenticity, to consider your website is worth to trust, a final decision on whether to proceed to the next visit.