What is a marketing type website construction? Just as its name implies, marketing type is refers to have the website marketing promotion function of the site, such as: SEO, UEO. That is at the beginning of the site, and the future marketing promotion for the purpose and the starting point, and carried out through the whole process of production site to ensure that every link, each step considering marketing function demand, the web site is a marketing function have online or help to optimize the characteristics of promotion.
The enterprise according to the traditional mode profits and core products in the traditional sales channel, set the target customer network group, a potential target customer groups against the network the habit of thinking and demand, standing in the point of view of potential customers in the home page is the arrangement of the content of the potential customers interested in. And then build the enterprise credibility, core product exhibition, customer witness for potential target customers such as answer, through the website marketing implement, obtain sales leads, finally come to terms. Simple speaking, enterprise status marketing type is enterprise sales platform web site, whether online trade directly or not, can obtain sales leads. Marketing is the site of in order to get the chance to sell or even access to a deal.
In the marketing type for mainstream web site under the background of, how to improve the marketing type conversion of web site, has become a lot of enterprise boss and company website maintenance personnel headache problem.
1.以用戶為中心的網站設計(User-centered design)很多的企業仍停留在“公司介紹、產品展示、在線訂單、聯系我們”的老套路上。殊不知以用戶為中心的
A lot of enterprise is still in a "company introduction, product exhibition, the online order, and contact us" the old way. Little imagine user-centered design is the distinctive design, can obtain the customers. It is a center with the user is not a slogan, but should with the specialized vision to look at, what is the most important content, what is the most users want to see, the psychological around users, through the most special services to meet the needs of users, let the customer like web site.
2.提供豐富的產品/服務介紹信息(Provide rich products/services introduce information)多數網站在對產品/服務的介紹信息上沒有下足文章,這導致用戶的興趣全無。就好像來到一個裝飾華麗的表演舞臺,觀眾最期待的還是表演。表演的不好看,舞臺再漂亮觀眾也不買帳。
Many web sites to product/service in the introduction of the information under no full text, this led to the user's interest in nothing all day. As if to a ornate performance stage, the audience most looking forward to or performance. Acting not good-looking, stage again beautiful audience also don't buy the bill.
Research has suggested that, in the online retailers to promote the customers conversion of the various measures by the provide rich goods introduces information visible to enhance online store customer conversion rate. For the enterprise website also is so, product features: the more detailed introduction, product display pictures clearer, and the user's interest is higher. Along with the development of video technology, for your product video display has become a fashion. The results show a lingerie shop of female the shopkeeper at present already do with their models to display the store of goods sold underwear, echo is very good--if again come a few period of video display of words, sales soared to more.
3.讓用戶對網站產生信任感(Let users to trust from web site)調查表明,網站備案信息、經營資質展示、完整的聯系方式、權威的網絡安全認證標志、詳細的地址等信息,能夠增強用戶的認可程度。只有用戶在感到安全的前提下,才會對網站產生信任感,進一步產生業務聯系、在線購買等行為。
Survey shows that, the website information, the management qualification record show, complete contact, authority of network security authentication marks, detailed address and other information, can enhance the user level of agreement. Only the user in feel safe, under the premise of will to trust from web site, further create business contact, online purchase, etc.
4.簡化轉化流程(Simplified transformation process)用戶的轉化流程主要體現在瀏覽過程、購買流程、注冊流程、互動流程等。我們千萬不能去考驗用戶的耐心,而應該盡量讓用戶心情愉悅地進行每一步操作,并快速得到他想要的結果。簡化流程是一項細活,需要反復地測試和揣摩。
Users are mainly embodied in the process of transformation process, purchase process, browse registration process, interactive process, etc. We mustn't go to test the patience of the user, and should try to make the user to a pleasant mood every step operating, and quickly get what he wanted the results. Simplify the process is a do it right, need repeatedly testing and consider.
5.設計合理的促銷與限購(To design the reasonable promotion and buy)小區內有一家新開的羊毛衫店,一開張就表明“只賣7天,低價促銷”。7天后改說法了,“接廠家通知,再賣5天,降價促銷”;5天后的說法是“最后3天,買一送二”;3天后的說法是“延期三天,一件不留”;再過3天的說法是“明天下午6點走,半賣半送”;2天后的說法是“廠車未到,見錢就賣,隨到隨走”――之后過了幾天,羊毛衫全賣完了,他們真的走了,不過并沒有走遠,到另一個小區重新上演。一個月的時間里,這家羊毛衫店接連掀起5次銷售高潮,在小區里創造了比商業街上同類店鋪還要好的銷售業績。現在也有不少網站在模仿這種“促銷與限購”相結合的方式,有效的提高了用戶轉化率,取得了驕人的成績。
Inside the residential area a new open woolen sweater store, opened it shows that "sell only 7 days, low-cost sales". 7 days after that change, "the manufacturer notice, to sell 5 days, depreciate sales promotion"; Five days later is that "the last three days, buy a send two"; Three days later said that are "delayed three days, a leave"; Another three days is that "tomorrow at 6 p.m., half sell half to go"; After two days is that "factory car not to see money, sell, as you go along with the"-a few days later, woolen sweater are all sold out, they have really gone, but didn't go far, to another district on again. A month before this woolen sweater for five times a shop selling climax, in the community created than the streets similar shop even good sales performance. Now there are many web site in the imitation this "promotion and 限購" the way of the combination of the, effectively improve the user conversion rate, has achieved great success.
6.有效利用在線客服工具(Effective use of online customer service tool)在線客服工具是提高網絡營銷轉化率的有效工具。有數據表明,企業網站大多數訪客由于不能進行及時的互動溝通和線上交流,超過98.5%的潛在用戶將會流失。推薦使用QQ、旺旺等在線客服工具,另外400電話也可以大幅提高廣告效果,400熱線電話一年只需幾百元,在極速400電話網有關于400業務的詳細說明。在線客服工具是一個雙向的交流溝通工具。用戶可以主動同網站客服進行交流,網站客服也可以對用戶的訪問行為進行關注,并主動發出交談邀請,幫助用戶解決難題。
Online customer service tool is to improve the network marketing effective tool for conversion. Figures showed that enterprise web site visitors not to because most interacting and online communication, more than 98.5% of the potential users will be lost. Recommend using QQ, online customer service tools such as the prosperous, another 400 phone can also increase the advertisement effect, 400 phone calls a year need hundreds of yuan, in extreme 400 telephone network about 400 business details. Online customer service tool is a two-way communication tools. The user can actively communicate with customer service web site, the site of the customer service user's access to conduct attention, and actively talking to send invitation, help customers to solve problems.
7.精準的搜索引擎關鍵詞廣告(Precise search engine keyword advertising)搜索引擎競價廣告是提高用戶轉化率的一種有效的
Search engine for advertising is to improve the efficiency of the transfer of the user an effective network marketing methods. To users search behavior analysis and based on this, choose the most effective keywords combination, optimization of the page content advertising landing correlation, can effectively enhance the conversion rate. Search engine for effect by many factors composition, daily consumption budget, key words on the quantity and the word and analysis report a direct impact on the search engine for product effect. As search engine keyword advertising has certain professional, through the choice of strength are advertising service maintenance, can further enhance the network marketing effect. Like Shanghai in the search for products such as hotly sales and service experience.
8.具有說服力的客戶見證(Persuasive customer witness)客戶見證是有效的營銷技巧,但很多網站并沒有充分利用客戶見證到網絡營銷中來。在產品/服務展示的同時,展示該產品/服務客戶的服務評價、使用體驗,能增強產品/服務的說服力,增加用戶購買的興趣和信心。在這方面,阿里巴巴做得比較到位。在對其誠信通產品的
The customer is an effective marketing skills testimony, but many web site and not make use of the customer to witness the network marketing. In the product/service show at the same time, show the product/service customer service evaluation, use experience, can strengthen the product/service persuasive, increase users buy interest and confidence. In this respect, alibaba is done is in place. In the good faith the product marketing promotion, the use of the customer alibaba witness skills, both the use of positive experience, negative no use of the user experience shows fraud. The great disparity between the user from psychological fast accept the integrity the products.
9.引導老客戶進行轉介紹(Guide old customers turn is introduced)利用網絡營銷來引導老客戶進行轉介紹比傳統營銷方法還具有優勢。通常情況下,對于已成交客戶,我們可以通過積分、折扣、禮品等形式來促進老客戶再次消費;同時,對于老客戶介紹來的新客戶,除了新客戶能夠得到比較優惠的價格,老客戶也將得到積分或禮品等多種形式的回報。
Using the network marketing is to guide the old customers than the traditional marketing method to introduce still has the advantage. Usually, clinch a deal for already customers, we can through the integral, discount, gifts and other forms to promote old customer again consumption; Also, the old customer introduced him to new customers, in addition to new customers can get more favorable price, and old customers will also get points or gifts, and other forms of return.
10.重視電子郵件營銷的應用(潛在客戶的跟蹤關懷)(Pay attention to the application of E-mail marketing (potential customers tracking care) )電子郵件營銷并非指發送垃圾郵件廣告。電子郵件營銷除了在開拓新客戶上有其作用之外,更大的作用還在于對于潛在客戶的跟蹤關懷上面。我們通過自身平臺的電子雜志訂閱用戶、注冊會員郵箱、有獎活動參與者郵箱以及合作伙伴提供的相關電子郵箱等多種形式獲取潛在客戶的郵件列表,使用電子期刊、促銷活動介紹、網站精華內容推薦、免費資源提供等多種郵件形式,吸引潛在客戶繼續關注我們的網絡平臺和產品(服務),最終實現潛在客戶的轉化。
E-mail marketing is not refers to send spam advertisements. E-mail marketing in addition to develop new customers have their effect on the outside, a greater role for potential customers also lies in the tracking care it. We through their own platform of electronic journals subscription users, a registered member mailbox, participants mailbox prize and partners to provide the related electronic mailbox, and other forms of potential customers for mailing list, the use of electronic journals, sales promotion activity introduced, website essence, free resources provide recommended content and so on many kinds of E-mail form, and attract potential customers continue to focus on our network platform and product (service), finally realizes the transformation of potential customers.